Tactis and Smart Africa launch the Do4Africa platform to boost digital transformation projects in Africa

On May 14th, during the Transform Africa Summit hosted in Kigali, Tactis, a consulting firm, and Smart Africa, signed a Memorandum Of Understanding covering the co-management and the mutual administration and development of the Do4Africa platform. Do4Africa identifies digital projects and open datasets in Africa and is an original initiative from Tactis and Smart Africa that has been backed by the AFD…

Do4Africa - Signature MOU - Tactis SmartAfrica

On May 14th, during the Transform Africa Summit hosted in Kigali, Tactis, a consulting firm, and Smart Africa, signed a Memorandum Of Understanding covering the co-management and the mutual administration and development of the Do4Africa platform. Do4Africa identifies digital projects and open datasets in Africa and is an original initiative from Tactis and Smart Africa that has been backed by the AFD (Agence Française de Développement) and implemented with the help and technical support of OpenDataSoft and Pyco Group.

  • What is Do4Africa ?

Do4Africa or Digital Observer for Africa is a platform that identifies and lists innovative and digital projects in Africa. Furthermore, the platform collects open datasets relating to the African continent. It is a game-changing platform that facilitates the sharing of high-quality and up-to-date data on the technical and social innovations across Africa. The platform is built on 3 core values :

– common interest,
– collaboration,
– open datasets.

  • A growing community to drive innovative projects

Do4Africa is destined to be driven by a growing community of entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, students and developers. The mainstream platform incorporates all types of digital projects, whether they were created by governments, companies, startups, NGOs, etc…

  • Creating a Digital African Community

By bringing together investors, innovators and project holders, Do4Africa is a platform that promotes innovative projects and therefore helps contribute to economic development.

Do4Africa catalogues projects that have a digital and innovative dimension. Projects are classified in categories such as : digital infrastructures, e-government, e-education, smart economy, smart environment, social innovation, e-health and smart city.
The platform covers all 54 African countries and currently provides detailed information on more than 800 projects. Every project on the platform has a detailed description and links are provided to all web sites related to the project : project URL, media outlets, social media networks etc…

Every project owner or leader in Africa can benefit from the Do4Africa community and submit their project via the contact form.

The platform equally enables users to access open datasets that are collected from open platforms or directly provided by partners. The main goal is to identify and share data relative to the African continents on sectors such as energy, health, education, new information technologies, etc. The platform displays more than 50 open datasets.

  • Do4Africa development

The collaboration between Tactis and Smart Africa around the platform aims to help share and spread best practices on the continent, to promote a higher level of open datasets and to accelerate digital transformation in Africa.

  • Presentation of the consulting company TACTIS

Tactis is the French leader in digital planning and shared infrastructure projects.
Since 1995, we’ve been helping territories to develop their telecommunication infrastructures and implement smart city policies, from a technical, financial, regulatory and operational point of view.  50% of our activity is now driven by the African development and we are proud to announce the opening of a new subsidiary in Kigali.

Tactis is completely independent. It provides expertise in a neutral manner to decision makers, from the design, planning and implementation, all the way to optimization and ongoing monitoring.

Tactis addresses a wide range of operations in the fields of high speed and very high speed telecommunications (fixed network and mobile), innovative territories (“smart” urban and rural projects, data management, mobility, energy sustainable development, etc.) and digital-based economic development.

Our guiding principle : orchestrating the implementation of digital projects for territories. Tactis is a funding partner of several organizations (INFRANUM, Smart Building Alliance, CREDO, Renaissance Numérique, BIM Cities Alliance, etc…

08 Oct 2019

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Depuis 1995, Tactis accompagne les acteurs publics et privés pour leur apporter une expertise métier dans les domaines des réseaux de télécommunication (FttH,4G, 5G, Sat) et du développement de Smart Territoires (inclusion numérique, partenariats publics privés, tiers-lieux).