Metropolitan Network

The Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users of IT resources located in the same geographical area (cities or smart territories for example). This network generally uses fiber optic technology.

A question / a project ?

The Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a network that interconnects technical sites (mobile cellular network antennas, operators' technical premises, key public and private account buildings, data centres, FTTx optical service nodes, etc.) on an urban or metropolitan area scale. Over the past twenty years, optical fiber has become the dominant reference standard for these MAN infrastructures. These networks consist of activated and non-activated optical fibers that can be rented to different customers according to their needs and desired service levels. Some can thus establish private networks by renting non-activated fibers (Black fibers).

Contact Benjamin Fradelle

A question about FTTH networks? Need to remove doubts in view of a future project? Send an email to Benjamin Fradelle, Tactis Associate Director.

Tactis - Directeur associé - Benjamin Fradelle- Aménagement numérique des territoires

Benjamin Fradelle

Associate Director Tactis
Since 2002, Benjamin Fradelle has been developing expertise in digital spatial planning, both in terms of defining the strategy of local authorities and in the technical and economic approaches associated with public initiative networks.